Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To the networks ...

Bouquets and brickbats. Thumbs up and thumbs down.

NBC: While I'm grateful for HEREOES and EARL, neither of those renewals was an actual surprise.
But. I am saddened at the loss of STUDIO 60 (that was one of those shows people seemed to either passionately love or hate, nothing in between). I really wanted to see where THE BLACK DONNELLYS was going. I admit it, I laughed a lot at ANDY BARKER, PI. (It was so brilliantly silly ...) I was really getting into RAINES. I think that's one that was just starting to find its voice, and really could have been something.

ABC: Like with NBC, most of my happiest renewals were hardly surprises, like LOST or DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. I do thank you for my guilty pleasure, MEN IN TREES, and also for continuing NOTES FROM THE UNDERBELLY.
But. Don't get me wrong, there were no cancellations that were huge shocks, but it didn't make me any happier. I was totally wrapped up in WHAT ABOUT BRIAN. And I really did like SIX DEGREES, but even as a fan, when they finally brought it back - even I couldn't remember the various plotlines. I knew it didn't stand a chance. And oh, IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ... silly but sweet.

CBS: All happiness at CBS! First of all, thank you thank you thank you and once more THANK YOU for renewing THE UNIT. While the season ender could have easily been a series ender, I'm REALLY REALLY happy that it's not. I have to admit, that when it started (and my enthusiasm was somewhere around "well, I don't love it, but it is Mamet, and I'll give it a little time") I never would have predicted just how attached I'd get. I'm not sure whether it was ever in question, but THANK YOU for HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. (Do you watch that? No? Start.) (I can't hear that Proclaimers song without thinking of that show now. If you watch it, you'll get it.)
I also thank you for renewing SHARK, which really rose above what should have been a paint-by-numbers snoozer. And thank you for OLD CHRISTINE, which I can't drink beverages while watching. The spit takes just come out of nowhere.

CW: Jury's still out on CW. Yes, GILMORE GIRLS is gone, but I feel that it lived a nice, long, happy life. EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS is returning, as is SUPERNATURAL (I love the brotherly relationship there). But the thorn in my side ... and, I suspect, the side of the CW ... VERONICA MARS. Technically, I suppose, cancelled? But hovering in this nebulous "well, maybe, maybe, we'll see, we'd have to reinvent it, let's see what Rob Thomas can come up with" phase. Believe me, I don't think it was perfect ... but it had snark. I respect snark.

Fox: 24 was a forgone conclusion, no? I'll certainly keep watching, but I'll also be OK when they retire it. How many times can Jack Bauer save the world, one hour at a time? ;) My big THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Fox is BONES. Fox is notorious for killing off great shows before their time (WONDERFALLS) or ... well, let's not even get into FIREFLY. BONES nearly walked that same path. After a few episodes, it was missing for a while. A friend of mine who works on another Fox show told me in no uncertain terms it wasn't going to survive. But then it came back. And it made it to a second season, and now to a third! There's just something about a show that can make me both laugh and cry, and yet be so graphic I shouldn't watch over dinner.
But. I am saddened to see STANDOFF go. I think it had that same kind of potential.

I did mention I was a geek and totally addicted to television, right?

The blues.

Or, as I like to call it, just sittin' around feelin' sorry for myself.

But, always a bit proactive in my wallowing, I've at least managed to pinpoint some key elements of why I'm feeling this way.

And, strangely, just had some of my nagging feelings put into words by a 12th grader.

I'm not sure whether that's reflective of his maturity level or mine ...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Another pound down.


Now I'm at the weight I can usually get to on my own. This is where I usually get stuck. So ... I guess this is where the real work begins. (Although I did get a few pounds lighter after last year's stomach flu from hell, but I really shouldn't count that.)


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My poor twitchy dog

Our poor Waldo has a bad back.

We think it has a lot to do with his behavioral issues, actually. Who knew?

But the poor little guy. He gets these back spasms, and when it really gets going it just doesn't stop. His back twitches 24/7. He keeps spinning around trying to get the "thing" that's bugging him.

He's pretty good-natured about it, all things being equal. It wasn't til we took him to the vet last month that it seemed to dawn on him that something was wrong, and he whimpered and cried most of the night (and broke our hearts).

Drugs do the trick. Painkillers and a muscle relaxant - the doggie version of what Dick takes when his back goes out.

He just started twitching again, so he goes back on the drugs. Poor sweet Waldo. Twitchy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Another day, another diet

Yeah, I know. Part two of San Francisco. I suck.

But I'm going to interrupt the flow of that story with this.

I'm doing an actual structured diet. Which I've certainly done in the past - somewhat structured - but after years of practice and failure, I've learned what works for my body and what doesn't. Armed with that knowledge, and the determination to actually DO it this time (my, I feel like a Nike ad) ... well, I feel pretty good about it.

Now. For people like my mother-in-law who thinks I don't need to lose weight ... or who are concerned that I'm being unduly influenced by Hollywood size 0's ...

The "healthy" weight for my height has a pretty wide range. I'm currently in the middle of it. At the wedding I was at the high end of it. But through most of my 20s I was at the low end of it and I see no reason not to get back there.

It's incredibly easy and it's really hard, all at the same time. Actually changing the way I eat has been remarkably easy. I'm kind of stunned, frankly. The hard part has been the work it takes - which is part of the reason I often get lulled into gaining weight in the first place. Inherent laziness. Ha ha. No, often it's just a genuine lack of time.

But I'm learning. And I'm actually changing my habits. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! (woof!)

Now, here's a tip for anyone starting a major diet program. Don't establish a starting weight a full week before you start the diet. Especially when, during that week, you're out of town (hello, SF!) and choosing every meal with the thought "enjoy! next week, the diet!". Because then, after the first actual week on the plan, you may well end up having gained a pound from that starting weight. Oops.

But the good news ... week two was a loss of 2.2 pounds. (I'll spare the actual weight, lest I sound like Bridget Jones).

And no, I haven't mentioned which diet I'm on. And I won't for a bit. A few people know, so it's not like a *secret* ... but I feel like I want to give it another week or two before I share.

But my size 4 clothes are hanging in my closet, just waiting to make a comeback. :)

Monday, May 14, 2007

San Francisco, the first part of the story

Sorry it's taken me a week to write about it. You see, SF was gorgeous and all in bloom ... and I was incredibly allergic! So the extreme allergic reaction turned into a nasty cold and today is the first day I feel like a person again. Yay!

So. We drove up taking the 5 ... and there was lots and lots of nothing. Hey, I'd never done it before, so ... OK. Now I have. Got in, checked in rather painlessly, and had dinner at the first restaurant we laid eyes on - which thankfully was a really yummy Thai restaurant.

Woke up Saturday morning and decided to take a walk and see what there was to see. It was an absolutely stunning day ... yeah. The weather was amazing.

One of the things that was so cool was discovering what a dog-friendly city it was - and seeing all the dogs romping about the beach (and some taking a dip!) There were puppies everywhere! I was in dog heaven.

Back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding. We were a little nervous, as traffic was perfectly horrid (that Oakland bridge ramp being out made for some interesting traffic) but I pointed out that the official shuttle from the main hotel to the wedding left around the same time as we did so they were stuck in the same traffic we were. (We didn't stay in the official hotel. We couldn't afford the official hotel. We stayed in a Travelodge for half the price.)

And sure enough, we got there before the official shuttle bus.

The wedding was out on Treasure Island, which also was lovely. There was a little chapel ... and it came with this organ player who clearly had no expertise in playing the organ. I kid you not. It was the kind of thing you'd see in a movie or a sitcom and say "Oh please, that never happens." We tried to figure out whether the regular guy got sick and this was the best replacement they could get, or this WAS the regular guy and no one cared. I can't really describe this with enough accuracy. Missed more notes than he hit. No sense of tempo at all.

But the bride walked down the aisle with a smile on her face, clearly undisturbed by it all. (We later learned she'd had a four-hour disaster in the hair salon, but you wouldn't have known it at that moment!)

Dick and I didn't exactly know a lot of people at the wedding. Like, outside the bride and her immediate family ... no one. Which left me a little apprehensive as we searched for our name cards at the assigned table.

Oh. Did I tell you how we even KNOW the bride? This would be a good time to mention it, as it came up quite a bit throughout the introductions at the table. "Do you know Kevin or Molly?" "Molly." "Cool. How do you know her?" "Well," says Dick, "I was her first boyfriend."

Blink. Blink. Blink. "Well. Um. That's really cool that ... " (Pause. Turn to look at me.) "And YOU are really cool!"

Well, I am. But honestly, Molly is pretty fabulous. I wish she lived in LA, 'cause I'd hang out with her more. And her parents are so lovely.

Anyway. The bride and groom have a sense of fun and whimsy ... so there were some fun original aspects to the reception. For example, there were a variety of postcards sitting out, all addressed to them, with a pail of markers. The idea was to write out a congratulatory note, and they'd be mailed out at different times during the next year.

Also, there was to be a photo competition. Each table was assigned a set of poses, and you'd have to figure out exactly how you were going to execute the assignment and go to the photographer's area. (Winners will be announced after they're back from the honeymoon). Our photos were: rude multicultural gestures; at least three men had to drop trou; and as one of the women at the table was pregnant, the assignment was to get as many faces around the belly as possible.

There was a couple across the table from us who we'd talked to throughout the night (as much as possible, across the table). Her dress and mine were actually very very similar - black with pastel flowers. We talked about that as we walked up to the photo area.

When we got to the part with the faces around the pregnant belly, everyone got down on the ground, lying on our backs, heads next to the belly, like flower petals, sort of.

So we're lying there, and I'm actually in between this couple. Well, the guy starts reaching over and trying to tickle me. I keep moving his hand away, thinking "what is this guy's deal?" (Bear in mind the music is blaring, and I keep thinking we're going to be done any second now.) He then reaches over and grabs my breast, at which point I grab his hand, hold it away from me, and think - "Ah. I know what the guy's deal is. He thinks I'm his wife."

At that moment, the photo session is over, we all sit up, and his face goes white. And then red. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I ... I thought you were my wife." "I figured as much," I said, as I headed away towards my husband.

It became a running joke throughout the night. He's Canadian, you see, and he can't help but apologize. Over and over and over. "Seriously," I tell him, "I grew up in theatre. I'm quite accustomed to inappropriate touching."

The next day I found out he had had a band in Canada in the 80s; Molly says he's underplaying it quite a bit, and that he was actually a one-hit wonder. (Thus my last post - "I was groped by a Canadian one-hit wonder.) ;) I'm still trying to hunt down the name of the of the band. I'll post when I get the scoop.

More later ...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I am allergic to San Francisco.

I've been grateful for my Allegra and sneezing up a storm since I arrived.

Between all of the flowers in bloom, the dust or whatever is in this motel room, and my friend Jesse's cat ... I am done for.

Other than that, it's been really lovely. I have some stories and a few photos to share when I get home. (Foolishly, I left the ability to download pictures at home!)

The weather has been perfect, the wedding was amazingly fun, and I got to hang out with one of my best friends from high school. Oh, and I got groped by a Canadian one-hit-wonder.

Details to follow ... :)