To the networks ...
NBC: While I'm grateful for HEREOES and EARL, neither of those renewals was an actual surprise.
But. I am saddened at the loss of STUDIO 60 (that was one of those shows people seemed to either passionately love or hate, nothing in between). I really wanted to see where THE BLACK DONNELLYS was going. I admit it, I laughed a lot at ANDY BARKER, PI. (It was so brilliantly silly ...) I was really getting into RAINES. I think that's one that was just starting to find its voice, and really could have been something.
ABC: Like with NBC, most of my happiest renewals were hardly surprises, like LOST or DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. I do thank you for my guilty pleasure, MEN IN TREES, and also for continuing NOTES FROM THE UNDERBELLY.
But. Don't get me wrong, there were no cancellations that were huge shocks, but it didn't make me any happier. I was totally wrapped up in WHAT ABOUT BRIAN. And I really did like SIX DEGREES, but even as a fan, when they finally brought it back - even I couldn't remember the various plotlines. I knew it didn't stand a chance. And oh, IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ... silly but sweet.
CBS: All happiness at CBS! First of all, thank you thank you thank you and once more THANK YOU for renewing THE UNIT. While the season ender could have easily been a series ender, I'm REALLY REALLY happy that it's not. I have to admit, that when it started (and my enthusiasm was somewhere around "well, I don't love it, but it is Mamet, and I'll give it a little time") I never would have predicted just how attached I'd get. I'm not sure whether it was ever in question, but THANK YOU for HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. (Do you watch that? No? Start.) (I can't hear that Proclaimers song without thinking of that show now. If you watch it, you'll get it.)
I also thank you for renewing SHARK, which really rose above what should have been a paint-by-numbers snoozer. And thank you for OLD CHRISTINE, which I can't drink beverages while watching. The spit takes just come out of nowhere.
CW: Jury's still out on CW. Yes, GILMORE GIRLS is gone, but I feel that it lived a nice, long, happy life. EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS is returning, as is SUPERNATURAL (I love the brotherly relationship there). But the thorn in my side ... and, I suspect, the side of the CW ... VERONICA MARS. Technically, I suppose, cancelled? But hovering in this nebulous "well, maybe, maybe, we'll see, we'd have to reinvent it, let's see what Rob Thomas can come up with" phase. Believe me, I don't think it was perfect ... but it had snark. I respect snark.
Fox: 24 was a forgone conclusion, no? I'll certainly keep watching, but I'll also be OK when they retire it. How many times can Jack Bauer save the world, one hour at a time? ;) My big THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Fox is BONES. Fox is notorious for killing off great shows before their time (WONDERFALLS) or ... well, let's not even get into FIREFLY. BONES nearly walked that same path. After a few episodes, it was missing for a while. A friend of mine who works on another Fox show told me in no uncertain terms it wasn't going to survive. But then it came back. And it made it to a second season, and now to a third! There's just something about a show that can make me both laugh and cry, and yet be so graphic I shouldn't watch over dinner.
But. I am saddened to see STANDOFF go. I think it had that same kind of potential.
I did mention I was a geek and totally addicted to television, right?