Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Friday, August 01, 2008

What a week.

This is weird - so much to say, and no clue where to start. This is where I wish I had actual writing skills - like being able to cut through the extraneous stuff and find the meat of the story.

Many of you know that last year I decided to try to pay a little attention to my much-neglected acting "career"; I kicked it off by doing CD workshops and an industry showcase.

At the time, I had joked - some days with a little more edge than others - that I was the only person who did one of those showcases to not get ANYTHING from them - not a call, not a meeting, NADA.

Fast forward to 2008. Everything that happened with my father ... obviously life took a detour.

This summer the idea of "getting back into it" has been rolling around in my brain - and I am doing something, by producing a little film (coming soon, honest!) But I have such a ... lack of energy. Malaise. Complete and utter lack of desire to get off my ass and do ANYTHING. Everything is an effort.

Can we say "stuck in grief mode"? I knew that you could. So, first things first, I'm getting some help for that. (Hello, Universe? I admit I need help.)

I'll back up just a few weeks, when I was at that same showcase. I ran into a friendly acquaintance, who I won't name just 'cause this may end up sounding weird. He is a neat guy, an amazing actor (and always working), and quietly intense. We got to talking, and I even ended up talking about my dad a little, and my need for some quiet time to get my head on straight again. And he gave me a big bear hug, and laughed a little, and told me to enjoy that quiet time. And then he looked me straight in the eyes deep into my soul and - while I can't quote him exactly - the gist of it was "enjoy it while you can, because things are coming for you." It was this weird, random, prophetic moment that I didn't exactly take seriously but it was so unsettlingly intense in tone that I didn't even mention it to anyone.

I don't know if I'm explaining it right. :)

Anyway. Now it's this week. And on Tuesday, there was an earthquake.

And I think that earthquake jarred something loose, because within 10 minutes my phone rang. And I was being offered a job. An acting job. Not an audition. A job.

Of course, skeptic that I am, I had to do some due diligence on these people because the number of red flags that went up in this initial phone call were ... plentiful.

So, yesterday - on what would be my mother's 76th birthday - I shot a scene for a pilot. Directed by Jerry Zucker.

Hello, Universe?

You have my attention now.

PS - Why did they even have my headshot in the first place? Oh, it's been sitting in their files since one of their scouts saw me at ... that industry showcase.



  • At 3:02 PM, Blogger Patty Jean said…

    That is so freaking cool!!!!!!!


    Yay, Universe for helping out Tracy!!! So exciting!


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