still more random thoughts
** I am grateful for friends. Friends who call at 11pm and say "I think you need to come out with us." Friends who say "It's been a while, but I'm here if you need me."
** The scent of Polo just screams "hello '80s!" In a way that makes me giggle.
** If you're driving through an above-ground parking garage, and going up from floors one to two to three, etc, by the time you get to the sign that says "team members, do not park below this floor," haven't you already NOT parked below that floor? And further, if you did, how would you know not to since you haven't reached the sign yet?
** Does "Omega Hospital" sound like a good thing? Maybe it's just me, but something about that sounds like a bad sci-fi movie. (No, not where my dad is. I just drive by it on the way there.)
** I want someone to drop down, fairy-godmother-like, and tell me what to do. But I want it to be what I *should* do, not what they THINK I should do. There's a subtle yet important distinction.
** For New Orleanians only: all the work they're doing on Causeway at I-10 and they still haven't figured out how to make those exits any less of a clusterf*ck?
** I miss cafe au lait.
** Things I'd forgotten about: Women of an age, wearing jogging suits, tennis shoes, hair teased and sprayed like a football helmet, full heavy makeup, manicured nails, and jewelry. It's a hell of a visual.
** The scent of Polo just screams "hello '80s!" In a way that makes me giggle.
** If you're driving through an above-ground parking garage, and going up from floors one to two to three, etc, by the time you get to the sign that says "team members, do not park below this floor," haven't you already NOT parked below that floor? And further, if you did, how would you know not to since you haven't reached the sign yet?
** Does "Omega Hospital" sound like a good thing? Maybe it's just me, but something about that sounds like a bad sci-fi movie. (No, not where my dad is. I just drive by it on the way there.)
** I want someone to drop down, fairy-godmother-like, and tell me what to do. But I want it to be what I *should* do, not what they THINK I should do. There's a subtle yet important distinction.
** For New Orleanians only: all the work they're doing on Causeway at I-10 and they still haven't figured out how to make those exits any less of a clusterf*ck?
** I miss cafe au lait.
** Things I'd forgotten about: Women of an age, wearing jogging suits, tennis shoes, hair teased and sprayed like a football helmet, full heavy makeup, manicured nails, and jewelry. It's a hell of a visual.
At 11:36 PM,
Patty Jean said…
I like these random thoughts. They're fantastic.
Keep 'em coming!!!
Much hugs and love!!!
At 11:01 PM,
Amy The Writer said…
Omega Hospital? Seriously? I mean, come on, everyone know Omega is commonly thought of as "the end" as in "alpha and omega" meaning "beginning and end." So this hospital is basically saying "The End Hospital." NO I don't wanna go to The End Hospital! I wanna go to the Alpha Hospital! Where's the Alpha Hospital! Sheesh.
I tink tappy taughts for you, tho. ;)
At 1:40 AM,
Midlife Virgin said…
Thinking good thoughts and sending you love as you mock the fully made up track suit women. Hey, that look may come back, you never know.
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