Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My poor twitchy dog

Our poor Waldo has a bad back.

We think it has a lot to do with his behavioral issues, actually. Who knew?

But the poor little guy. He gets these back spasms, and when it really gets going it just doesn't stop. His back twitches 24/7. He keeps spinning around trying to get the "thing" that's bugging him.

He's pretty good-natured about it, all things being equal. It wasn't til we took him to the vet last month that it seemed to dawn on him that something was wrong, and he whimpered and cried most of the night (and broke our hearts).

Drugs do the trick. Painkillers and a muscle relaxant - the doggie version of what Dick takes when his back goes out.

He just started twitching again, so he goes back on the drugs. Poor sweet Waldo. Twitchy.


  • At 12:37 PM, Blogger Patty Jean said…

    Oohh! Poor Waldo!!! Poor baby! Now you have two boys to take care of with bad backs. Have fun playing Nurse. :)

  • At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aww! Poor baby.

    My Rocky broke his leg and had to have plates and outer hardware put in not to mention the cost...About 4,000.

    He got the hardware out after a month and now has three holes in his leg and we have to keep him crated for 4 more weeks as the hardware was stabilizing and it's removal is not.

    He's only 5 months out and raring to go 24/7.

    Turns out he has flexible bones that are not straight the optimum for a dog. His have bend and his hips are not great either although they don't feel we should be concerned about those now.

    He's still adorable as hell but he is held or crated almost 24/7 :).

    I want him to be able to be a normal puppy. We go back in a month and hopefully by then he will have healed and we can start the training all over again.

    He's potty trained. But he could fetch and stay and sit and that's all been forgotten with all the confinement.

    It breaks my heart.


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