Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Holy Cow.

It appears there may, in fact, be no "other shoe".

Holy crap.

Sometimes the karma wheel really might swing around and throw you the occasional bone.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Universe ...

... moves in mysterious ways.

More on that in a future post.

Side topic: Why can't I accept good news as just that, and not as a setup to a bad joke, a hidden camera show? Waiting for the other shoe to drop, as it were?


Friday, July 11, 2008

RIP, Cynthia Owen

This is a tough one. I'm not happy with the number of people in their 40s I've had to accept have passed over the last few years.

This was just so ... unexpected.

I won't pretend I was super-close to Cynthia, but she is definitely a part of my years in the NOLA Theatre World. It's a small community.

As her specialty was singing and dancing, you can imagine we didn't share a stage often. But we did, once, when I decided to do a musical. (Once a decade, I tell ya ...)

But in addition to my memories of WHOREHOUSE, she was just a part of the makeup of the community, and so there was time spent together. There's one night in particular, and I have no idea where we were (I think it was in mid-city) or why (theatre people drinking? who needs a reason?) or even who all was there besides us ... but I remember a whole lot of laughter. I think the reason it sticks out was because it wasn't often that I was out with her in a small group (as opposed to a cast gathering of 20+) and really enjoyed getting to know her.

There's another night I remember too, and I won't set down the story here because in fairness I heard it thirdhand (from who else? Michael Sullivan) and as such I don't think that's necessarily appropriate for me to share. But I will just say publicly that she did something one night that I thought was very classy, and cool, and raised my estimation of her many many degrees.

RIP, Cynthia. My heart goes out to your husband, your family, and all of your many many friends.

Link to Stage Click memories.
Link to WWL article including video.