Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Guess what I did today!

I bought a dress.

Sure, not the most obviously exciting thing to happen.

Except for the fact that ... it's a size 2.


Happy, happy, happy me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What's with the Cheerios?

OK, so, since this whole diet thing started, besides your basic changes to my eating habits ... I've started eating breakfast. Like, every day. Every day. I know. Crazy, huh?

As I started transitioning off the Jenny Craig foods, the first thing I figured was safe was the cereal. I like cereal, and I'm more than capable of measuring exact amounts, so ... why spend the money on those single-serving bags when I can buy whole boxes of equivalent cereal in a grocery store?

One of the JC cereals is a Frosted Oats thing. So hey, first thing I bought on my own was Frosted Cheerios. There are others I buy and like (I actually read what's in the dang things now), but I also like the Frosted Cheerios. It's a little sweet (and yet diet-approved).

Went to buy some recently. There was practically an entire shelf of Cheerio varieties. I kid you not. Honey nut. Yogurt burst. Berry. On and on and on ...

No Frosted.

I figured they were out. A few weeks later ... still nada.

So I tried a different store. Same thing!

Seriously, the idea of Yogurt Berry Cheerios just sounds repulsive to me. And plain, I'm just not that crazy about.

I finally had to go to a THIRD store to get them.

What's up with that?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yikes! Has it really been over a month?

I knew I'd been busy ... I don't think I realized that my last post was in August.

I'll be back soon ... promise!