Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I've said it before ...

... I'll say it again.

Tech + PMS = bad

Don't get me wrong, it's not like my role in DOLL'S HOUSE is so overwhelming, LOL. It's just that I have one stupid prop that is a life force of its own: a Christmas tree.

The tree is huge. And kinda heavy. And it's a serious pain in my ass. (Actually, it's a literal pain in my back.)

The tree is brought on - as though it were just chopped down - by someone else, and I remove it. Where to stash it backstage, when it's about the same width as the entire backstage area, is a challenge. Doing it quietly is impossible, as its branches drag across the flats.

I get it in a corner. But now we have to get it into its stand. I get Dick to help me. We go to set it near the door. He picks it up - it comes right out of the stand. Undaunted, we reset it in its stand near the door. Of course, I've completely forgotten the number of people who still have to enter and exit prior to the tree's entrance. I go to move the tree back to its corner, and of course it comes out of its stand again.

I cannot get it back into its stand alone, and even if I could - what difference does it make? I can't pick it up WITH the stand. It will fall off.

Finally after everyone's entered or exited, I drag it back to the door (again, with the brushing loudly against the flats). I bring the tree on, Anna helps me (thankfully!) ... only she sees that it's still without a stand. She continues to hold it as a mumble something about getting the stand, go off to get it - and see, next to the stand, that there are about three branches that have completely fallen off the tree.

Something about that just did me in. And I just hit that moment of overwhelming pre-menstrual irrational emotion, and I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh or cry (both wildly inappropriate!) ... and I picked up the stupid branches, and laughing (yet on the verge of sobbing) flung them across backstage. Of course, Jaxon was kind of in my way and I'm not sure whether he managed to duck in time.

I then brought the stand out, Anna and I put the tree in the stand, and after this three-act comedy of the tree was complete, I said my line: "Do you need anything else?" Of course, said with such utter exhaustion and frustration that poor Anna nearly lost it in a fit of giggles.

I then exited and found Jaxon and made sure he knew I was in no way throwing the branches AT him. He did. He's a pretty affable guy. Thankfully.

Oddly, I was kind of fine after that.


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