Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Much craziness.

As actors, we're all too familiar with the phrase "work begets work".

That, along with "feast or famine", are what we live with.

I'm sure it's everything to do with what we put out into the universe ... but it's pretty consistent. I wanted to start auditioning and working again. And at the moment I have no free day for weeks - and it's pretty much filled with Acting Stuff. Working on another play; auditions; assisting a casting director by being a reader. It started ...

Well, technically it started at the top of the year. I joined a second theatre company, I did a show.

Then I decided to start working on the "career" aspect. I got new headshots, did a showcase, started postcarding again.

Then, after feeling a little at sea, I committed to "getting out there" again. I decided to start goint to Playwrights 6 workshops ... two nights a month. And like clockwork, I've had to miss a few because suddenly I'm so busy! I did a lab show (PROOF - thank you, Trina!); I agreed to be the maid in A DOLL'S HOUSE (I don't consider 10 lines throughout 3 acts much of an acting challenge, but someone needs to do it and it's always good for me to be around a GOOD show, which this is); I started taking the fabulous workshops offered at my other theatre company; I'm production managing another show; I have two auditions this week; I'm being a reader for a casting director tomorrow; my short film project with Shelley and Amy is being developed. Whew! Sleep? Yikes!

(Just as a postscript - I wrote this post on August 2. Today is August 8. I'm just noticing I didn't post it. What was that I said about lack of sleep ... ?)


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