Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Juice Addiction

When I first came out to LA, someone was all excited about taking me to a Jamba Juice. And I politely steered them in a more appropriate direction ... like coffee. Juice? I'm from the land of coffee and Coca-Cola. Juice??? Angelenos and their wacky healthy options. (insert eye roll here)

I am now a convert and, I dare say, an addict.

It started slowly. At school, the kids get pizze and jamba juice once a week; faculty gets any leftovers. It was only recently that I started availing myself of this opportunity - and suddenly it became a necessity. An obsession, even.

But then came the stomach flu. The evil one. I mean, I guess they're all evil, but lordy this was exceptional. And when I was finally able to start tolerating liquids, I wanted juice - and lots of it. And when I could start adding food, I still wanted juice. And when after a week or so I was ready for my morning coffee, I still didn't want coffee in the afternoon or evening - just juice. And when after that I was ready to bring Coke back into my life (and no, unlike many southerners I don't call all soft drinks Coke - only Coke is Coke, and the rest is crap) ... I found I only wanted just a little sip with my meal, and then I'd just want juice again. Or smoothies. MMMMMMMMM.

It's been over a month. I think these new healthier habits are sticking. It's weird, I gotta say. I remember how excited I was when a Coffee Bean moved in within walking distance of my office. Now I wish a smoothie place would move in too.


  • At 2:02 AM, Blogger Bonnie said…

    I gave up fast food for 2006. The reason this is relevant is b/c I want to share with you the fact that I NO LONGER SEE fast food joints. It's something lovely when you no longer see the stuff you used to be addicted to. ;)

  • At 3:02 PM, Blogger ~d said…

    (is there caffenie in a jamba juice?)

  • At 3:16 PM, Blogger Tracy said…

    Bon: What can I say? Old dog, new trick. Woof. :)

    Marissa: Glad you're here. I like having you close by, even just in cyberspace.

    ~D: For the most part, they're just fruit and ice. Yum.

  • At 6:12 AM, Blogger ~d said…

    (how is married life? are you happy as a clam!?)
    Much love!


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