Finding My Voice

Exactly what it says. The girl who has proclaimed "I can't write!" on a weekly basis is ... well ... writing.

Monday, October 23, 2006

A Change of Scenery

Five stories.
Five cliffhangers.
Only three can continue.
YOU decide.

Each week, three continuing stories face off against two new tales.

At the end of the show, you vote for the three stories that you would like to see continue on to next Saturday night, where their subsequent episodes will then be pitted against two completely new storylines.

Each week's serials could live on for weeks... or be quietly smothered in their sleep – it's up to you. But whichever pieces you vote for, one thing is for certain - by the end of the evening, you will be a Serial killer.

On Saturday night, October 28th 11:00 PM

"Inside Pieanoxity"- Episode 1

"Inside Pieanoxity" ..Is it a cult, a faith or just a great place to eat pie? Investivative reporter Nick Atherton is about to find out, as he goes undercover to search for his missing brother (and maybe second cousin too).Will he break the secret world of Pieanoxity wide open, or himself become part of the group that "Together, has but one mind between them"?

Directed by JJ Mayes

Written by Steven Korbar

And featuring:

Jeremy Aldridge
Charlie Bates
Tracy Eliott
Daryl Hogue
Jennifer Ruckman
Annie Vest
Patrick Vest
Joseph Woods

Come vote for us...or we'll hate you forever!!

Tickets are only $5.00, but there are no reservations and

it's first come, first serve; so try to be there at least fifteen minutes early!

660 N. Heliotrope Dr. - Los Angeles, CA 90004

Heliotrope is between Normandie and Vermont, and the
theater is located less than 1/2 block south of Melrose.
Use the Normandie/Melrose exit on the 101.


  • At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I guess I will have to stay for the show.

    You should come see the new "Bukowsical" before Serial Killers:).

    I am directing a piece the following week. We may be working on the same stage again on the same night!

    Breaking your Sacred Fools cherry...Yeah!


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